Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Well I have finnished Crossed the sequal to Matched by Ally Condie. I have to say that Matched in itself was just a beach read and that it filled that role wonderfully. however, matched while nice was not as of the same calleber as its predeceser. Crossed seems to lose some of the human element held in matched as we read the wondering and fragmented thoughts of ky and Cassia in alternating chapters. to be fair I dont personally care for books that switch points of view every chapter but in this case there are times when the minds of the two charectures are hard to tell apart from one another without the aid of the chapter headings. perhaps this is because they seem to both spend the entire book whining and cryptically looking back over there lives as they wonder through a dessert with no plan that can be seen. In this way Crossed was a sad let down, and for someone looking for reading that wouldn't interrupt the sound of waves that bar was fairly low. Here is hoping that the third book will be better.

Grade: C-

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